I started to learn SEO when I start periodically write to the blog. I found several analyzers, which helped me. But all of it has a little disadvantage - each of analyzer was paid. Its free version was very limited, e.g. 4 pages analysis per day.
Also each of it working differently: some services check link’s title attribute, some don’t. So I decided to write a SEO checker for myself. If you want to check your site, you can open this link: Seo checker
How to use
Write your site hostname or interesting page and click ‘Submit’. If you entered only host, like ‘nevinsky.net’, checker will work with the main page and 4 internal from the sitemap. If you entered the path, checker analysis only it.
As result, you will see report like this:

Existing checks
Http / https checks
- Http url -> https url, like:
http://nevinsky.net -> https://nevinsky.net.
- Http www url -> https url, like:
http://www.nevinsky.net -> https://nevinsky.net
- Https www url -> https url, like:
https://www.nevinsky.net -> https://nevinsky.net
- Https url of site.
Robots.txt and sitemap checks
- Checks /robots.txt. It should have a sitemap directive.
- Checks sitemaps from robots.txt.
Page checks
- Length of title tag.
- Length of meta tag with name description.
- The title attribute existing of all links on a page.
- The alt attribute existing in all images.
Result of these checks you can see on thesite or can download a report.
Planned checks
- Broken links.
- Inspect header hierarchy on a page.
- Opengraph, schema.org and other microdata page.
- Title, h1 and page’s url overlapping.
- Keywords.
Link to checker again =) Seo checker
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